A Barber Is Born!

May 24, 2011

So 9 months after the timid little me, so bright eyed and bushy tailed, began her journey to becoming a barber, I finally received my diploma in the post! Hurrah! WooHoo! Huzzah!
I've been back in Dublin for a couple of weeks now and applying for jobs like crazy. I've had a couple of interviews but I'm running up against a 'catch 22' time and time again. Everywhere seems to already want you to have 3 - 5 years floor experience before they will employ you *sigh*. It's hard to get that first couple of years behind you and everyone I talk to agrees. Chances are I'll have to do it as unpaid work experience for a year or so just to clock up some time.
So the college is over and now the hard slog begins. I also hope to take my hot towel shaving course next month if money allows (note to anyone getting into barbering - the training ain't cheap!). One journey is over and it seems I'm at the start of a whole new one - if only I can find a ship to let me on board.
- BE


Bit2 said...

Congrats and good luck!
Don't look at it like landing a job but starting your new career.


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